Crypto Mining

Publishing Principles

In fact, depending on the freedom of the press, there is no specific “text of principles” in our law that press organizations and members of the press have to comply with. Naturally, there is no legally binding principle or rule for press organizations and members of the press beyond the general rules of law.

For this reason, members of the press are obliged to comply with the general rules of law in their work. However, there are some basic principles adopted and announced by the Press Council operating in our country.

The basic principles that we accept as the news site are as follows:

  • No one in the broadcasts; not to condemn or humiliate because of their race, gender, age, health, physical disability, social status and religious beliefs,
  • Restricting freedom of thought, conscience and expression; Not to make publications that would shock or hurt the general moral understanding, religious feelings, the basic foundations of the family institution,
  • Journalism, which is a public duty, is not to be used for private purposes and interests that are against morality,
  • Not to include expressions that humiliate, humiliate or slander individuals and organizations beyond the limits of criticism,
  • Not to make the subject of publication, except when the private life of individuals is required by public interests,
  • Not to publish news whose investigation is within the scope of journalism without being investigated or without being sure of their accuracy,
  • Not to publish the information provided on condition of confidentiality, unless the public interest seriously requires it,
  • Not presenting the product produced by a media organ with special efforts before the distribution process of a media organ is completed, as if it is its own product by another press organ, paying attention to specify the source of the special products purchased from the agencies,
  • Not to declare anyone "guilty" unless determined to be guilty by a judicial decision,
  • Not attributing to anyone the acts that are criminalized by the law unless there are reasonable grounds to believe that they are real,
  • The journalist must maintain the confidentiality of their sources. The source's public opinion is personal, political, economic, etc. The cases where it aims to mislead for reasons are excluded.
  • Refrain from performing her duty as a journalist with methods and attitudes that may cast a shadow on the dignity of her title,
  • Refrain from broadcasting that encourages violence and bullying and hurts human values,
  • To specify these qualities of advertisements and advertisements in a way that leaves no room for doubt,
  • To respect the time record set for the publication date,
  • To respect the right of press organs, replies and rebuttals arising from false publications.